Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hurricane Preparedness and Victimitis

Emergency preparedness and our thoughts, words and actions

Hurricane victimitis is the condition of not taking control of one self and circumstance even in the face of a disaster such as a hurricane. It can be a serious and chronic condition that can be fatal if not properly addressed.

I have been reading a particular blog from a newspaper in Florida. One of the commenter’s has repeated asked where is the bet place to go for shelter that has hot meals. According to their entries they don’t like cold sandwiches or too peppered potato salad at the shelter they have used in the past. This individual is very concerned about finding out what the menus will be at the various shelters so thy can select the one they want to utilize if Hurricane Ike or Josephine or Tropical Storm Hanna comes their way and the must evacuate.

Now it is true that food is a comfort item (see my next blog entry as my replay to the gentleman’s inquiry about emergency shelters and menus) and it important to have when faced with a troubling situation. That is not the issue of this particular blog entry.

My concern is that many in our hurricane prone areas are deep in the throws of ‘Hurricane Victimitis’. They feel helpless and are looking for the government and emergency resource organizations to help rescue them and provide for all their needs including hot meals in a life threatening emergency. That is not what these disaster organizations are there for! They are there to provide limited disaster support until the person can restore their own wellbeing and get on with their life.

There is no other way to put it. YOU are responsible for your well being and care – no one else. The emergency response staff is there to provide the most basic of basic of support care to keep the body alive in the midst of terrible and life-threatening conditions.

During the early part of our history as humans, little care was give to the common folk and this included the events of disasters. Yet in most recent times many have developed the idea that the officials of government and philanthropic organizations will arrange for the entire well being and comfort of everyone. That is so far from the truth. WE as individuals are responsible for our well being when faced with a disaster.

Only the very few that are so disabled as to not be able to help themselves such as the cognitively challenged or seriously handicapped should depend entirely on their support in times of disaster. That is a completely different situation and a limited population. Everyone else needs to get out of disaster victimitis and start to prepare for their won needs. Every attempt should be made each person to help themselves first. Then after they have done their bet to help themselves if a person still needs additional limited support then such services be available.

Not everyone has family or loved ones that can take them in during a disaster. Not everyone has the economic resources to find and stay at a motel or hotel during a disaster emergency. That is understood. That is why there are emergency shelters. Yet even in those circumstances EVERYONE needs to be disaster prepared to the best of there ability and supply as much of their emergency preparedness necessities as possible.

It is vital that we each take emergency preparedness seriously. WE are very fortunate to have the technology that will tell us when a disaster is pending.

Each person needs get as much necessary disaster preparedness information as possible and develop their own emergency preparedness checklist. This is particularly important when you know you live in a hurricane area. This means that you read hurricane reference guides and learn all the emergency preparedness tips possibly for your particular circumstance. You are the best person to know your current situation and what your particular emergency preparedness necessities are.

These disaster kits don’t have to be fancy and involved, many highly effective disaster kits are low cost emergency survival kits made from the discount dollar stores, the reduce racks at the back of the grocery store, thrift stores bargains and yard sales! To establish your emergency preparedness kit all it takes is a bit of creativity, a willingness to help oneself and their loved ones, and the necessary actions it takes ahead of time to establish the disaster kits. It also takes an agreement to sacrifice a few moments of creature comforts before and during a disaster situation for the bigger benefit of keep body, mind and soul together.

What a person experiences in an emergency shelter is just that an emergency situation location. There are no frills or menus like some sort of resort, that is not what emergency shelters are designed for or what should be expected to be.

I just read a wonderful article called “Curing Victimitis” sent to me by Bob Proctor from his website Insight of the Day, I’m enclosing it for you to read. The article comes from his outstanding website and I strongly suggest that everyone sign up – it’s free and inspiring ( I would not start off my day without reading Bob’s message to me each morning!

I hope that you will take serious attention to victimitis that is around each of us and often IN us and vow to do our part to correct our thinking so we can eliminate this cancerous plight especially when it comes to pro actively addressing frightening and difficult events like disasters.


Please share your thoughts, emergency preparedness tips and stories here on this blog.

All I ask is that everyone be respectful and sensitive of each other and that identifying information about a person who is not the author be limited to protect their privacy.

Be Safe – Be Prepared – Help Others!


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